The Church is the institution in which the Lord Jesus left with us while leaving for Heaven
The Church is a move pioneered by the Holy Ghost. The church called the ekclessia in Greek is the bride of Christ, it is God’s strategic association of His called out ones, His strategy of feeding them and growing them up to the stature of Christ.
Many churches form the body of Christ, as we can’t stand in isolation
God’s structure is that after being saved, you then belong to a church which is your connection(joint) to the BODY OF CHRIST, you become a member of the body via the blood of Jesus and then you are established in a local assembly.
Today if you ask some young people about their church, they will say I belong to the body of Christ, you need to belong to the body of Christ via a local assembly.
I am glad I am a part of the body of Christ and my joint in this body is the RCCG
You need a joint into the body of Christ
You can’t stand in isolation
You need to be connected via a joint which is your local assembly.
If you are a Christian, you cannot be a Christian from home or in isolation, you must belong to a local assembly which will be your connection into the body of Christ
Different ministries doesn’t mean competition, it means different connections.
I am connected into this body via RCCG
Where are you connected through?
Note, even great evangelists and Apostles have their own local assembly where they submit to the leadership of their pastor.
Some of us are pastors today but we are under a senior pastor and my Father who is the head of our own joint Pastor E.A Adeboye and several other leading pastors where we serve under directly @realbisiakande , @lekeadeboye
Every pastor needs a pastor
Dear young minister, no matter how God is using you, you need a local assembly, you need a Pastor over you.
If you don’t have local assembly yet, pray and join one, you can also join us in RCCG.
I see a burning generation