What is the Secret of This Grace? Part Nine

Good day dearly beloved of the Lord.

In our last episode, we learnt about how to discover your assignment. Please, ensure that you follow all the previous episodes.

Today, I will continue on the choice of a life partner in fulfilling God’s mandate for you.

“Now the Lord God said, It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper meet (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:18‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

One of God’s strategy for helping a man is to give him a wife, and the characteristics of this wife is that she should be Suitable, Adaptable and complementary for him and his mandate.

There are many good guys and ladies who are children of God oo but you can’t marry just anyone. God gives one who is suitable for you, Adaptable to your mandate and complements you.

It is God that makes a helper that will be meet for you. He created you, He knows what fits into your life, and not everyone fits.

This is the reason why you can’t just choose for yourself. From the beginning, it is God that chooses for His sons and daughters. He knows what fits you and your destiny. It is sweet to say, “I like her.”  But ensure what you like is what God chooses.

Don’t get it twisted, the will of God is not bad or one person you don’t like and you are managing to stay with all in the name of the will of God. The will of God must become your will before you proceed. The system of the will of God is that He doesn’t force His will on you. As you are ready to follow Him, He will supply the ability to love His will.

Anyone that tells you that the will of God must be something you don’t like is not correct. I married the will of God. I didn’t use my brain, I followed God 100% and haba, I married my babe. I love her so much and she is cute too.

When Adam saw his will, He was like, “Chai, Wao , yeee, this is the bone of my bone.” Don’t be afraid that the will of God will not be the best. He has your interest at heart, He knows you, He won’t give you what you hate. He will give you what is suitable, adaptable, and complementary.

The challenge with us as believers is that we want Delilah and Mary together in one package. What are you actually looking for?

How do I know the will of God?

1. Ask the Lord to order your steps into His will for your life.

2. You must know How God speaks to you. The voice of the Lord is your direction map into His will for your life.
Mind you, you don’t have to dream about who to marry. I didn’t dream about my wife, no single dream at all and yet I am in the will of God.

If God speaks to you via dreams then that is fine but if the dream is not the style, then don’t look for dreams in choosing a life partner.

Mastering the voice of God is critical in choosing a life partner and even anything you want to do in life. The voice of the Lord is your escape route from frustration in life.

The will of God is not something hard that you are looking for. It is as simple as recognizing the voice of your parents.

I know what my dad likes and hates because of my association with him.
Don’t think of the will of God if you have not established a deep and robust relationship with Him.

The will of God is as close to you as your heartbeat. All you need do is to be able to pick it. Can I tell you the truth? From the time I saw my wife in that village outreach where I met her, I knew she is my wife. There is a Spirit in you.

It is your inner tracker. It can pick anything. The same way I can pick don’t travel there is an accident is the same way I will pick she is not your wife. The same way you will pick pray now is the same way you will pick she is your wife.

In discovering the will of God, build a solid relationship with the Holy Spirit. Pray more in the Holy Ghost and study the word frequently. Attend meetings, listen to spiritual songs, read spiritual books, listen to messages from anointed men of God. All these are systems of building your Spirit to be able to pick things.

I will continue in the next episode

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I see a burning generation


Picture of P. Daniel Olawande
P. Daniel Olawande

Daniel Olawande fondly called P.Daniel is a polymath with a mandate to raise the burning generation by setting people on fire for God in all spheres of influence.

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