What is the Secret of This Grace? Part Eight

Good day dearly beloved.

In the last episode, we learnt how to discover our purpose and today will continue on that. I have already shared 3 things to do on your adventure to discovering purpose and they are:

1. Ask your manufacturer – God
2. Check His manual – The Word
3. Check what He placed into you – Talents and gifts

Let’s continue from where we stopped:

4. Check your Passion/ Desires:

To find your Passion, you might need to answer the following questions:


So these questions are questions of inquiries. You can discover what God has planted into you before you came into this world.

Many people try to create a part for themselves but for us, as believers, we are to discover what God wants us to do.

God decides what you are to do but your decision is to obey after discovery.


Remember, you are a product of God and only God can reveal the purpose He created you for.

Nobody can tell you your purpose. They can only say what they think or feel.

There are three kinds of you:

1. The You in God (Real You).
2. The you that people told you
3. The you that you told yourself

You will need to be sincere with yourself in answering these questions and cry to God to reveal His purpose for your life.

Even if you came to this earth by mistake, God has a plan for your life because you came.

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11-13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

So these questions are questions of discovery

The Creator Decides
The creation Discovers

a. What do you dream about?
b. What do you sing about more than any other songs?
c. What do you think about more than any other thing?
d. What makes you cry?
e. What makes you smile?
f. What change do you desire to see?
g. What do you hate?
h. What do you love?
I. What problem do you love to solve?
j. If you are not paid what will be willing to do with all your life?

-What grieves you or pains you is a clue to something you are assigned to heal
-Where you hurt the most is a clue to what you may heal the best
-What you cry about is a clue to something you were created and ordained by God to heal
-What you hate is a clue to something you are assigned to correct.

On my journey to discovering purpose, I answered all these questions and I discovered that I love to make men who they ought to be as originally intended by God. I hate it when people are living less than their God-ordained reality. And that was how I discovered what I am doing today : SETTING MEN ON FIRE (This is God’s revealed desire for His children to me, that they are burning for Him. Romans 12:11)

I recommend the book The Assignment by Dr. Mike Murdock

I pray the Lord will himself reveal His purpose for your life to you like he showed me mine.

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I see a burning generation


Picture of P. Daniel Olawande
P. Daniel Olawande

Daniel Olawande fondly called P.Daniel is a polymath with a mandate to raise the burning generation by setting people on fire for God in all spheres of influence.

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