The Refiner's Fire- PDaniel

Malachi 3:2-3
*2  But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap:*
*3  And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness*
It’s the fire that makes you useful.
To be fireless is to be useless.
God does not manage vessels , he firerized his vessels.
Calling is an enlistment to refining.
*You cannot offer until you have suffer.*
Suffering is the process of building men.(Jesus learn obedience through the thing he suffer).
*You will cry and the lord will not pity you.*
You have to pass through fire before you can be relevant in God’s agenda.
The purer the vessel the usable it is.
The most anointed is the most purified.
The value on my life is dependent on my level of purity.
*Father refine me that I may be usable*
*The purer you become the more God can be seen through you.*
Fire is an announcer. We know your encounter by the thing you emit.
When you preach or minister, heart must either cut, pricked or burn to validate your encounter indeed.
When a life is on fire whether preaching or greeting something must happen. Fire burn, gives heat and gives light.
*Father, give me an encounter of fire.*
Men with genuine encounter are men that are pure.
Men that are usable are men that are consistently in touch with the Goldsmith.
*Purify me my father!!!*
Nobody fall suddenly, everyone fall gradually.
You fall easily when you only release and not refill.
Impurities is the prove of low or no fire.
Hypofiremia(low fire) and hpyerfiremia(high fire).
*I apply for fresh fire*
Your purity level is what defines the quality of your fire.
*How to encounter genuine fire*
-encounter with the lord of fire Matt.3:11
-encounter with the spirit of fire. Acts. 2:1-4
-encounter with the word of fire. Jer.23:29
– encounter in the place of prayers.
– encounter with agent of fire Rom. 1:11
– by fellowshipping with the people of fire. Prov. 27:17
– Always be in the atmosphere of fire(firemosphere).
Consciously create the atmosphere through songs, messages, scriptures and prayers.
*Evidence of fire*
-it purifies.(Sanctified, consencration)
-it burns (immorality and impurities)
– it Illuminate.(Revelation and insight)
– it generate heat (Firecious impact)
– it smells (Attractive )
-It destroys.(works of darkness )
– It cooks.(mentor and set others on fire)
Oh! Lord set me on fire!!!
I see a burning generation

Picture of P. Daniel Olawande
P. Daniel Olawande

Daniel Olawande fondly called P.Daniel is a polymath with a mandate to raise the burning generation by setting people on fire for God in all spheres of influence.

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