If he’s your sugar at home and he is not outside, then something is wrong.
Worshipping your husband at all times is not a Show Work. It’s not for people to notice. I don’t do public show of affection even though I like it sometimes. There’s no lady that doesn’t like it though.
But my husband does it a lot, there’s no need for hypocrisy. It’s the same thing he does in the house. He can kiss me anywhere, public or private.
That doesn’t make him disrespect me in public. You all know he doesn’t do that. We do have a rule, he knows he would never scold me in public. I super adore my husband, I play with him in public and private, I call him my baby.
You will never hear Ayo in my mouth, or hear me talk to him anyhow. I don’t do it at home, and I don’t do it outside. It doesn’t make us boring. I still get angry at him sometimes and he apologizes, I still do shakara before i answer, we have our normal couple fun. So please marry your friend, be yourself with him. Don’t pretend…
I heard Pastor Funke Adejumo teach once that even if you call him by name in the house, don’t call him by name outside, use a pet name or initials, Because the way you carry him is the way others will do as well.
God Bless You!!!

2 Responses
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