How To Escape The Grasshopper Mindset
Imagine that you were among those twelve spies sent by Moses to check out the land they were to conquer..Read full story in Numbers 13:
Imagine that you were among those twelve spies sent by Moses to check out the land they were to conquer..Read full story in Numbers 13:
YAC 2020 was awesome, explosive and supernatural! First, an 100% online meeting wasn’t the original plan for Youth Aflame Conference 2020, but God, the extraordinary
There is a possibility where prayer is no longer an event but a way of life. It has become an unconscious competence You are not
Recently, our dear Pastor Daniel Olawande was officially recognized by YNaija as one of the 100 most influential people in Christian Ministry, alongside great men
There is an emerging church called the NEXT church. This church will be unlike any church you have ever experienced. It’s going to be Church
What do you do everyday when you get up from bed? Well, Watch what Pdaniel has to say to you. Remain Blessed!
Daniel Olawande fondly called P.Daniel is a polymath with a mandate to raise the burning generation by setting people on fire for God in all spheres of influence.